It was an amazing trip to the east coast with my sister and brother-in-law. We had such a fantastic time. The trip, packed with sight-seeing of our nation’s capital. The trip to the beach and visiting family that I haven’t seen in years.
The Walk About
The Decision
My walk about started with a decision. A decision to go, to conquer, to start my adventure, to do my walk about. This was the hardest part of my journey, a single decision to act upon, and stick with this decision.
This Guy
When you hear the words “mental illness” or “crazy” what do you think of? Even to this day, I refer to an old movie with people walking around mumbling to themselves, rocking back and forth. Perhaps you have your visual of a scary mean face, brows furrowed, evil grin and the word pain tattooed across one set of knuckles.
The Corner
It didn’t take me three days to realize he was gone, not standing on the corner, I noticed the first day. Casey is what I called him, stood every day on the corner of a local convenience store driveway. It perplexed me why he stood there.
P’s and Q’s
I know we have all heard the saying mind your P’s and Q’s. What does that mean? Some people have said it means Pennies and Quarters. Well, that makes complete sense right? I am pretty sure when the adult woman in my life have said to me, “mind your P’s and Q’s” it had nothing to do with cash!
What’s Your Name?
When I was in school there were two boys, brothers actually, that had the names Clare and Kim. Then a guy named Dana and a guy Rene! How could that be? My sister’s name is Dana. Stop, stop, stop! That can’t be.… Read the rest