Every day we get up to drink our cups of coffee and are off to achieve something. We are always setting goals. It could be weight loss, organization, more money, or a personal accomplishment that we make our own.
Although the fact is that it’s the little goals we set for ourselves make the biggest impact. They are the ones that we need to stand up and get all excited about.
It can be a load of laundry that we need to fold. It can be the greasy deep fry pan that we put off, that junk drawer that grows and grows over the years. It can be reading a book that a friend loaned you, a thank you note that you have put off writing.
I believe, in my heart of hearts that we get all gun ho anticipating our major life changes. Unfortunately, we fail and we fail hard. Friends, we just gotta start small and not let anything affect our hearts, our minds our paths of thinking.
I see these sayings that say “If you do not try you will never know”. I think sometimes “Why start when I know I will fail?” Bad attitude to have, right? No, it can be the way I feel and maybe the way you feel.
To prevent my feelings becoming reality, I want to start small then work my way achieving those small goals. Training my mind to understand that these are for self-satisfaction. I won’t get a “Hey great job for scrubbing that pan!” or “Woo Hoo that drawer look amazing!” I want to train my mind that these small steps are for ME! I will appreciate ME! I can do this for the simple fact that It is MY goal!
Let’s share the goals we have accomplished they can be anything, anything at all. Some of us may have trouble being on time, some may have that stack of papers we keep adding to. If you have no problem with the small goals that is awesome! Pick one that is harder for you, something that will make you sit back and say “Way to go ME”
This is exactly what we need to do Blow Our Own Damn Minds!!!
Let us be clear I agree with the fact that big goals are important. We will get to those in time but for today I have a very over do thank you card to write!
Keep going friends, we got this!
Boy howdy, is this for me, or what?! I tend to set unachievable goals then get discouraged when I continually fall short. Setting smaller achievable goals is the way to go. Thank you for the reminder and the encouragement!!